district incident background

Statewide Communication

A parent who enrolled in an online public school through Scott County was instructed by her own district to file a notice of intent form.

The parent was sure they were properly complying with compulsory attendance laws via public school, so she contacted HEAV for help. HEAV provided feedback, resources, and written documentation for the parent, district liaison, and the VDOE. Once thoroughly reviewed, the student was confirmed as a public school student.

What You Should Know:

  • Virginia Connections Academy is not a homeschool program. It is an online, public school option offered through Scott County.
  • Parents do not need to live in Scott County to participate in Virginia Connections Academy.
  • Scott County confirmed that, once a student is registered with Virginia Connections Academy, they are considered a Scott County public school student.
  • What is virtual school? Click here to learn more about the differences between parent-directed home education and public school at home.

We’d love to hear from you! If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

Patricia Beahr
Assistant Director of Government Affairs

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