Virginia Capitol Building at Homeschool Day at the Capitol - Vaccine legislation


SB1031  is DEAD (for now.) On January 30, the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee moved and voted 13-2 to “PBI” (Pass by Indefinitely) SB1031, effectively killing the bill for this session.

Thank you for your prayers, phone calls, emails, posts, and shares, to oppose this bill!

SB1031 Morphs AGAIN – Now a “Study” Bill

Today (January 29, 2025), another new substitute was introduced by Senator Stella Perkarsky. This overrides all previous versions of SB1031 and directs the Board of Education to convene a work group to conduct a study on home instruction and religious exemption.

 The homeschool community will neither be represented appropriately nor have control over who will be appointed to the workgroup. We oppose this substitute.

What does the substitute bill do?

SB1031 now directs the Board of Education to convene a work group to study and make recommendations on how to amend the current religious exemption and home instruction statutes “to better ensure that all children in the Commonwealth receive an adequate education.”

Why oppose SB1031?

  • Appointments will be made by the Speaker of the House, Delegate Don Scott (D-Portsmouth), and the Senate Committee on Rules. Delegate Scott and the majority of members of the Rules Committee are hostile to home education. This is like asking the fox to guard the homeschool hen house. 
  • The homeschool community will neither be represented appropriately nor have control over who will be appointed to the study‘s work group. The results could negatively impact ALL homeschoolers and religiously exempt families.
  • No empirical evidence indicates religiously exempt or home-instructed students are NOT receiving an adequate education. In fact, studies consistently show these students outperform public school students.
  • Leaving such a vital issue to a group of political appointees is risky business. Our concern is about religious freedom, educational freedom, and parental rights.
  • This is a partisan issue that discriminates against a small minority of families with sincerely held bona fide religious convictions concerning the education of their children.

What happened today?

Senator Perkarsky introduced another last-minute substitute bill in the Senate Education and Health Committee. The room was packed with concerned parents and homeschooled students wearing red. Once again, public testimony was denied. 

The substitute was merely briefly discussed by the committee before a vote was taken. 

In a 9 to 6 partisan vote, the new substitute study bill passed, was reported, and then referred to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.   

What happens next?

The Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee must consider and vote on whether this study is to be financed. There are costs involved that will impact the budget. If agreed upon, it will proceed to the full Senate for a vote. If the Senate passes the bill, it will next be considered by the House. 

What should we do now?

CALL all members of the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee (if you can’t call, email), and contact your own senator NOW! Tell them to vote “NO” on SB1031. Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee Phone Numbers:

  • L. Louise Lucas (Chair): (804) 698-7518, 
  • R. Creigh Deeds: (804) 698-7511, 
  • Mamie E. Locke: (804) 698-7523, 
  • David W. Marsden: (804) 698-7535, 
  • Adam P. Ebbin: (804) 698-7539, 
  • Ryan T. McDougle: (804) 698-7526, 
  • Mark D. Obenshain: (804) 698-7502, 
  • Richard H. Stuart: (804) 698-7525, 
  • Bryce E. Reeves: (804) 698-7528, 
  • Barbara A. Favola: (804) 698-7540, 
  • Scott A. Surovell: (804) 698-7534, 
  • Jeremy S. McPike: (804) 698-7529, 
  • Jennifer B. Boysko: (804) 698-7538, 
  • Todd E. Pillion: (804) 698-7506, 
  • Ghazala F. Hashmi: (804) 698-7515,

When will the Senate Finance Committee meet?

The bill has not been assigned a committee hearing date. They must prepare a fiscal impact statement estimating the expense of the study, which may delay scheduling. It will presumably be heard either this Thursday or next Tuesday. Once this information is posted to Legislative Information Systems (LIS), HEAV will provide the date and time of the meeting. It is likely the committee will not allow public testimony.

However, your presence is vital to express your opposition to SB1031. Wear Red! 

Those who can not attend in person can watch the proceedings online

Callie Chaplow 3

Warm regards,

Callie Chaplow
Director of Government Affairs 

P.S. To stay up-to-date on breaking developments, please be sure to follow Home Educators Association of Virginia on Facebook.

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