District Watch featured

Richmond City 7/21/24

HEAV was contacted by several concerned parents in relation to challenges they were experiencing with the district’s e-Notice of Intent and e-Evidence of Progress forms. Upon review of the e-forms, HEAV immediately contacted the superintendent’s office to address 23 concerns and inconsistencies with the law. Although these errors were significant and numerous, HEAV is pleased to report the district provided a courteous, prompt, and productive response.

After being advised that the superintendent’s duties were being managed by a team new to home instruction, HEAV worked closely with the director of enrollment, placement, and planning to share information pertaining to the law, provide resources, and address each concern individually. The director responded by receiving HEAV’s feedback graciously, and he promptly updated the district’s e-forms to ensure they were in compliance with the Virginia Code. We are thankful to Richmond City for setting such a positive example in resolving these concerns quickly and honoring the law and homeschool families in its district.

What You Should Know:

  • All parents are encouraged to contact HEAV for accurate information, forms, and resources relating to Virginia’s home education laws. Please remember, it is the parent who is statutorily responsible for knowing and ensuring their compliance with the law.
  • To assist in protecting from unnecessary compliance challenges, HEAV encourages use of the guidance found on our website, HEAV.org, and our Notice of Intent (NOI) form. Our NOI form is kept up-to-date to ensure it is consistent with the law, case law, and VDOE guidance.
  • The law does not require parents to certify their Notice of Intent and Evidence of Progress submissions.
  • Parents do not “enroll” in home instruction. Parents do not seek “approval” to homeschool. When the choice is made to home educate, the law requires parents to notify their superintendent of their intent to do so.
  • The law does not require parents to use public school district forms or provide personal information beyond their child’s name, address, and age as of September 30.
  • There are no required subjects prescribed by the home instruction law. Parents are required to provide a “description of the curriculum, limited to a list of subjects to be studied during the coming year.”
  • Religious exemption does not fall under home instruction, §22.1-254.1, and the option should not be included on a NOI form. Additionally, parents obtain a religious exemption from the local school board—not the superintendent.
  • Parents may begin home instruction any time during the year. The annual Evidence of Progress deadline is August 1. For those who will continue homeschooling, the annual Notice of Intent deadline is August 15.

Get Involved! Sign up for HEAV Communications and Legislative Updates so you can stay up-to-date on HEAV’s efforts to protect your homeschool freedom.

HEAV is always available should you ever have questions or need assistance. Please contact us anytime at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

‌Read more about school district incidents here.

Patricia Beahr
HEAV Director of Government Relations

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