Curriculum Description

A List of Subjects to Be Studied in the Coming Year

Notice of Intent Curriculum Description

According to § 22.1-254.1(B), homeschool parents must submit a notice of intent and provide a description of curriculum, limited to a list of subjects to be studied during the coming year.

The law states the following:

“Any parent who elects to provide home instruction in lieu of school attendance shall annually notify the division superintendent in August of his intention to so instruct the child and provide a description of the curriculum, limited to a list of subjects to be studied during the coming year, and evidence of having met one of the criteria for providing home instruction as required by subsection A.”

What is included in a “description of the curriculum”?

The law limits the required “description of curriculum” to a list of subjects to be studied during the coming year. Examples of subjects to be studied during the coming year could include language arts, math, history, science, foreign language, soccer, music, art, etc.

Are there certain subjects I am required to teach?

No, the law does not require certain subjects to be taught. Parents are free to customize their home education plan. This said, in most cases, parents will teach core subjects such as language arts, math, history, science, foreign language, etc., according to their child’s age and abilities.

What if I change my mind about the curriculum I plan to use?

Parents can change their homeschool program as needed. The law does not require you to inform the superintendent’s office concerning any changes you make to your home education plan once the school year has begun.

Does my curriculum have to include the Standards of Learning (SOLs) for Virginia?

No. Homeschoolers are neither required to take Virginia SOL tests nor include Virginia SOLs in their home education plan.

Does the superintendent or his designee approve the curriculum?

No. Local public school districts do not have the statutory authority to make judgments or take action concerning the educational programs of non-public school students.

If I have filed to homeschool under the religious exemption or certified tutor statutes, should I submit a description of curriculum?

No. As stated above, these requirements pertain only to those who are homeschooling under § 22.1-254.1–that is, those who submit an annual Notice of Intent.

The information above should not be considered legal advice, but is for informational purposes only. For legal advice, please contact an attorney.