Q&A Questions and answers lovebirds

Notice of Intent: Which Form?

Q. Am I required to use the Notice of Intent form I received from my superintendent? It is asking for more information than in the past.

A. The Virginia homeschool statute, §22.1-254.1, does NOT require you to submit a specific Notice of Intent (NOI) form in order to notify your division superintendent that you plan to homeschool. You can use any form or even write a letter to show how you have met the homeschool requirements.

Locally developed NOI forms often include requests for information that the law does not require, such as social security numbers, dates of birth, grade levels, e-mail addresses, ethnicity, the schools the students would attend, etc. While this may not seem terribly intrusive, it sets a precedent for government officials to have information they may want, but do not have a legal right to have.

HEAV provides a Notice of Intent form that includes only the information the law requires. You can also find more NOI information in our Notice of Intent FAQ.

When you submit a NOI form of your choice or if your write a letter, you may want to send it “return/receipt requested.” The law requires you to notify your superintendent by August 15, and the “return/receipt” is the signed proof that you have notified them and they have received your notification.

If you have any further questions, please give us a call at 804-278-9200.

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