Virginia Capitol Building at Homeschool Day at the Capitol - Vaccine legislation

Legislative Alert – Immediate Action Is Needed

SB1031, Senator Pekarsky’s (D-36) legislative bill to remove Virginia’s religious exemption, has been scheduled for a Senate Public Subcommittee hearing TOMORROW (Thursday, January 16). This measure will chisel away the religious freedom of ALL homeschool families.

Thank you to those who sprang into action yesterday, flooding Senator Pekarsky and subcommittee members’ offices with calls and emails to withdraw this threat. There is more work to be done.

Even after HEAV’s lobbyist Ann Hoopsick met with Senator Perkarsky, she refused to withdraw her bill.

Your Immediate Action Is Needed


HEAV would love to hear their responses.
Please email them to


Please come to Richmond tomorrow, Thursday, January 16, to the Senate Public Education Subcommittee hearing.
The meeting is after the Senate adjourns, which is expected to be around 1:30 p.m.

The committee meets in Senate Room C of the General Assembly Building on the 3rd floor, Room 311 (201 North 9th Street, Richmond). You will need to allow time to find parking, walk to the building, and get through security.

Wear RED! It could be a blazer, hat, scarf, shirt, dress, or anything. We are working with HSLDA to gather the largest crowd possible.

Bring your friends and family. There is power in numbers, and we must be VISIBLE!


Virginia Code protects the right of families to freely exercise their religious beliefs in educating their children. To wrongly prohibit a family from exercising their convictions is a violation of their First Amendment rights:

Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, (1972)
Sherbert v. Verner, 374 U.S. 398 (1963)

The U.S. Supreme Court defined the phrase “bona fide religious training or belief” (the same language used in Virginia’s religious exemption, § 22.1-254) to mean “a sincere and meaningful belief which occupies in the life of its possessor a place parallel to that filled by God.” (U.S. v. Seger, 380 U.S. 163 (1965)).

Sincere religious training or belief is not dependent on compliance with the homeschool statute, § 22.1-254.1.

Let’s band together, be visible, and have our voices heard.

Callie Chaplow 3


Callie Chaplow
Director of Government Affairs

P.S. Write or call today! You can send a short message to each senator saying, in essence:

Hello, I am a registered voter in Virginia. I oppose SB1031. Please vote “NO” in the Senate Public Education Subcommittee tomorrow. Please let me know what you plan to do to oppose this bill—an attack on my freedom.



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