NEWS ALERT: Learning Recovery Grants
UPDATED 5.10.23
As announced in an earlier message, Governor Glenn Youngkin is making $30,000,000 available in the form of Learning Acceleration Grants to address the impact of COVID–19 on students’ educational progress. These grants may be used by public, private, parochial, and homeschool students for qualifying education services.
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has published additional information regarding the application process for Virginia parents, tutors, and providers. These important details can be found at the VDOE website.
Grant funds will go through ClassWallet to a tutoring service provider, summer enrichment program, a therapy service provider, or other specialized services such as technologies and products designed to assist with vision, hearing, speaking, etc. These may be selected by the parent from a pre-approved list.
The program is available for students ages five through 19 (not graduated) or students with a qualifying disability (ages two through 21).
Funding is limited and once the money is depleted, parents will be notified if additional funds become available. Those who have completed the application will be considered first.
If you would like to apply for the grant, click this VDOE link and create an account.
If you would like to become a service provider, you must register with ClassWallet to be listed on the electronic payment platform.
Be sure to follow the links and provide the proper documents. File only if you meet the qualifications.
For questions about the K–12 Learning Acceleration Grant program, contact the Virginia Department of Education at k12grants@doe.virginia.gov.
APRIL 2023
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reports that students have experienced significant learning loss due to the pandemic and public school shutdowns.
To help remedy this problem, Governor Youngkin has announced the availability of $30,000,000 in Learning Recovery Grants to ALL students—public, private, and homeschool—between the ages of 5 and 19 years old.
Families who verify earnings above 300% of the federal poverty level can receive a $1,500 grant for each qualifying student. If the family income is verified to be 300% or less of the federal poverty level, the family can receive $3,000 for each qualifying student.
Here is a chart showing the different multiples of the poverty guidelines based on the number of family members and family income.
LearningRx is an approved service provider of the Learning Recovery Grants.
The grant can be used for a pre-approved tutoring service or qualified service provider, special education services, and special education technology and equipment.
Tutoring may be in-person, virtual, or hybrid and in one-on-one, small group, or large-group settings.
Specialized educational therapy services and support, such as additional speech and language therapy including specialized reading instruction or other specific services, must be provided by a licensed practitioner.
Special education technology and equipment, such as assistive technology devices and services and augmentative communication devices, must be used primarily in the home and community settings.
Qualified expenditures and approved services include services for core content areas only: English reading/writing, mathematics, science, history/social science, and foreign languages required to meet diploma requirements.
The VDOE is now accepting applications from vendors who would like to participate in the program—individual tutors as well as companies that provide educational services.
Qualified tutors must be current or previously certified teachers from any state or tutors currently employed as instructional staff at any accredited private school, college, or university.
An application is now available through ClassWallet for certified teachers or tutors and companies that would like to participate in the grant program as educational service providers. Payments will be made directly to the service provider through ClassWallet.
For more information from the Virginia Department of Education see Learning Recovery Grants | Virginia Department of Education.
I will keep you informed as additional information is published.