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Immunizations and Homeschoolers

Q. If I send in a Notice of Intent, does that mean I must comply with the immunization requirements?

A. The law requires all children to be immunized, including children who are homeschooled under the home-instruction statute, the certified-tutor statute, or the religious-exemption statute. However, the law does not require parents to submit immunization records unless the superintendent specifically requests them.

Homeschooling parents should keep immunization records on file at home. Immunization is not a requirement for homeschooling and is not linked to the Notice of Intent.

There are exemptions to immunizations based on (i) a parent’s or guardian’s religious beliefs or practices, or (ii) a written certification from a licensed physician stating that one or more of the required immunizations may be harmful to the child’s health. The penalty for not immunizing a child is that he is prohibited from attending public school.

View more information about the types of immunizations that are required, who can administer them, record keeping, etc., on our Explanation of Immunization Laws page, taken from The Virginia Homeschool Manual.

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