Q&A Questions and answers piano music

Helping Other Homeschoolers

Q. I’ve finished homeschooling and would like to give back by sharing my experiences. I’m interested in working with new homeschoolers, but may not know all the answers. How can I help?
A. As an experienced homeschool parent, you have so much to share with the growing new homeschool population! You are just the person who can encourage parents who think they are not qualified to homeschool. You can help those who are confused about the legal requirements. And you can work with parents who need advice on how to choose curriculum.
We’ll work with you and give you the tools to confidently share important information as a phone counselor. Counseling can take place in your home, online, and at your convenience–one or two days per week. Calls can be answered immediately or within the next 24 hours.
We will give you practical answers to the basic questions that new homeschoolers ask. We will provide online and print resources that you can access during your calls. And if you don’t know the answers, you can always tell them you will get the answer and call them back. At that point, you can search for the answer or call the HEAV office for more help.
Please consider joining us in serving homeschool parents. Your experience is very valuable to the future success of home education!
Best regards,
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