District Watch featured

Giles County Religious Exempt Homeschool Families 6/27/2024

ATTENTION RELIGIOUSLY EXEMPT FAMILIES: In Giles County, ALL families, including religiously exempt (RE) families, have received the district’s Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction form that incorrectly lists RE as a home instruction compliance option. Because home instruction and RE are two different laws with different statutory requirements, this communication has resulted in confusion and concern for families.

EAV would like to encourage RE families to exercise caution when receiving communications such as this. If an RE family submits a NOI to homeschool, their compliance status may change from RE to home instruction, and they may be subject to the home instruction law requirements: annual NOI, description of curriculum, and proof of academic progress.

In addition to RE families, those under the Virginia-certified tutor/teacher statute—which differs from option (ii) “teacher of qualifications” of the home instruction statute—may face the same consequences should they complete an NOI form. HEAV recommends that you have a clear understanding of the laws and your current status before sending forms back to a district. We have included resources below to assist you.

Giles County School Board and superintendent expressing our concerns and communicating the negative consequences that may result from this form that is inconsistent with the law for RE and Virginia-certified tutor/teacher families. We will provide an update as soon as we have received a response from the district.

What You Should Know:

  • Home instruction (§22.1-254.1) and religious exemption (§22.1-254(B)) are two different laws with different statutory requirements.
  • Families utilizing a Virginia-certified tutor/teacher or those who have received an exemption do not operate under the home instruction law; therefore they should not submit a NOI form.
  • Only those operating under the home instruction law (§22.1-254.1) are required to submit an annual notice of intent to homeschool.
  • The law does not require parents to use district forms. District forms are often inconsistent with the law causing unnecessary challenges. HEAV encourages homeschool parents to use our NOI form which is consistent with the law, case law, and VDOE guidance. It is a linked resource below.
  • Get involved! Stay up-to-date on our “District Watch” reports, legislative communications, news alerts, and more. Please be sure to sign up for HEAV email communications.


Virginia Education Laws Flowchart
HEAV’s Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction Form
Religious Exemption Information
Information for School Personnel
2023 Letter to Superintendents
Compulsory Attendance Law: §22.1-254
Home Instruction Law: §22.1-254.1
Religious Exemption Law: §22.1-254.1(B)

HEAV counselors are available should you have questions or need assistance. Please contact us at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

Patricia Beahr
HEAV Director of Government Relations
‌Read more about school district incidents here.

HEAV counselors are available should you have questions or need assistance. Please contact us at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

Patricia Beahr
HEAV Director of Government Relations

Read more about school district incidents here.

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