
Evaluation Not Accepted

Q. If the superintendent decides the evaluation letter I sent is not acceptable, what might I expect to happen? Now that it is past the August 1 deadline, have I missed the opportunity to do anything else?

A. As long as you provided evaluation information prior to the August 1 deadline, you have complied with the law. Any other information you may be required to supply that relates to the information you sent should be accepted.

If the superintendent does not believe progress has been made based on the evaluation, you should have a meeting with him or his designee to determine why. The superintendent may allow other evaluation options: providing another evaluation with a different evaluator, or testing with an appropriate achievement test. He could also put your homeschool on probation for the following year. If that happens, you will have the opportunity to develop a remediation plan that addresses your child’s academic weaknesses. It is hopeful you can agree on the educational expectations that will meet the needs of your child.

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