Questions and answers winter swing snow

Diploma Needed

Q. Do I really have to send my diploma? I don’t have it! What should I do?

A. Yes, if you checked option (i) on the Notice of Intent form, you should send verification of a high school diploma or higher. This could be a photocopy of either parent’s high school diploma or a higher degree, such as a diploma from a college, technical school, nursing school, etc. You can send a copy of your transcript instead of a diploma.

If you don’t have your degree or transcript, request a copy of your transcript from the degree-granting institution. If it doesn’t arrive before August 15, you could send in your NOI by the deadline with a note saying you have requested the necessary documentation and will send it to the superintendent’s office as soon as it arrives.

For more information about filing your Notice of Intent, see HEAV’s Notice of Intent FAQ.

NOTE: A GED is not acceptable in place of a high school diploma.

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