cookie art class

Cookie Art Class

Holiday baking in your future? A fun cookie art class is great way to get some new ideas and bond with your kids over a joint project.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to make those beautiful, iced sugar cookies but don’t know where to start, this class is for you! You don’t need to invest in a new set of tools and gadgets to get started, either. 

Megan Mora Fuentes, experienced cookie decorator, will share her favorite tips and tricks for simplifying the process and using tools and supplies you already have on hand–and teach you three versatile techniques to create beautiful holiday treats! This live virtual class also includes a prep guide and step-by-step photos.

The first ten registrants will also receive a FREE starter pack! (Starter pack includes two piping bags and a scribe tool.)


Megan Mora Fuentes

A homeschool graduate, Megan earned her associate degree while in high school. In her spare time, Megan enjoys kayaking, writing, and baking cookies for anyone who will eat them. She and her husband make their home in the Shenandoah Valley.

In this class, you’ll learn step-by-step how to create three fun holiday cookie designs with royal icing using a piping and flooding technique. You’ll learn how to create wet-on-wet designs, create dimension with underpainting, and bring your designs to life with layered textures. The online class includes a detailed prep guide, including a materials list, recipes, and an icing color guide. (The guide will be emailed to you tw weeks before the class.)

Prep your cookies and icing ahead of time using the step-by-step instructions. Then, join the online classroom to follow my live tutorial and decorate together in real time!

Live Class

Monday, November 11, from 3 4:30 p.m.

HOW TO SIGN UP through two options.

1.  This $69 class is FREE for HEAV Members!

Just go to your member benefits page to get your coupon code.

IMPORTANT : Be sure to log in to snag your coupon code from your member benefits page and register FREE. Or, join TODAY for $45. Enjoy this class for FREE and take advantage of HEAV member benefits all year long. (Plus, you’ll support a worthy cause.)

Not an HEAV member?

2. Register and pay for the $69 class here.



The class is appropriate for students ages 10 and older working with a parent.

This is a simplified experience using two basic cookie shapes—a circle and a heart—and five icing colors. Your prep guide will include recommended materials and recipes, but feel free to use the suggested substitutes to utilize decorating materials and cookies that you have on hand.


To participate in the class, you’ll need to have access to the following materials. Most are commonplace things you’ll have around the house or can be purchased at local grocery stores:

● Piping bags & large leaf tip (Wilton #352 or similar)–you can also use sturdy plastic quart or gallon-size storage bags—I’ll show you how to make them work!
● Wooden or metal skewer (or scribe tool for cake and cookie decorating if you have one)
● Round and heart-shaped cookie cutters (about 3-inch diameter is easiest to work with)
● Baking sheets (I use light-weight disposable aluminum pans, but you can use whatever you are comfortable with)
● Rolling pin
● Wax paper for rolling dough

● Butter
● Sugar
● Eggs
● Vanilla Extract
● Baking Powder
● Salt
● Flour

Here is a link to my favorite sugar cookie recipe, but you may also use your own favorite recipe—or even purchase them if you’re short on time. You really just need a flat, round cookie without decorations or sugar granules on top!

● Powdered sugar
Meringue powder (available online and in the party/decorating aisles of box stores like Walmart and arts and craft stores like Michaels and Hobby Lobby)
● Gel food coloring – red, green, yellow, and black (no color needed for white.) I linked to the Chefmaster Liqui-gel colors I use, but you can use any similar colors you like. If liquid coloring is what you have available, it will work, but your colors will not be as vivid, and you may need to adjust your icing consistency.

Questions about the class? E-mail Megan at

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