Homeschool Transcript Electives
Q. My daughter takes piano lessons and is starting ninth grade this year. Do piano lessons count toward an elective on her homeschool transcript?
Q. My daughter takes piano lessons and is starting ninth grade this year. Do piano lessons count toward an elective on her homeschool transcript?
Postal Service Homeschool Unit Study Kick off your school year with a unique homeschool unit study! Neither Rain Nor Snow Day on September 7
Homeschool Handi-kids: DIYs & Tool Safety Homeschooling is about so much more than reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic! Incorporating learning into everyday homeschool living is
What afternoon homeschool adventures wouldn’t be made better by the element of a treasure hunt? Geocaching combines the thrill of the hunt with physical
Ocean Smarts: Dolphins and Sharks! Sea creatures make fantastic unit study subjects. Some of the most awe-inspiring ocean dwellers share some physical similarities but
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