About HEAV
Who We Are and What We Do
HEAV has equipped and encouraged parents and protected our homeschool freedom
in Virginia for 40 years.
About HEAV
Home Educators Association of Virginia is a member-supported, statewide, 501(c)3 non-profit homeschool association. Since 1983, HEAV has successfully worked to promote and protect home education in Virginia by working with the Department of Education and legislators, having a presence during the General Assembly sessions, and providing up-to-date information to homeschooling families, the media, and officials. HEAV, coming from a biblical worldview, serves all homeschoolers—regardless of religious or philosophical beliefs. Membership is, and always has been, open to all. With a full-time office staff and hundreds of dedicated volunteers, we’re ready to answer your questions, offer support, and serve your needs year-round—just give us a call (804-278-9200) or send us an e-mail.
Looking for information on homeschooling in Virginia? Need to know about the Virginia homeschool laws, or the Virginia homeschool testing requirements? Are you taking your child out of school to begin homeschooling? Or are you a veteran homeschooler needing some extra homeschool support?
Home Educators Association of Virginia has more than 2,000 web pages of Virginia homeschool information, resources, field-trip ideas, and more!
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call at 804-278-9200 or e-mail office@heav.org–we’re here to help! Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
HEAV will celebrate 40 years of serving homeschoolers through information, legislation, and resources.
HEAV equips and encourages parents and protects homeschooling freedoms.
Statement of Purpose
The purposes of HEAV, which shall operate within the context of a biblical worldview, shall include, but are not limited to the following:
Help and encourage parents to fulfill their God-given rights and responsibilities to educate their own children;
Provide information and advice to homeschooling parents regarding home education and family life;
Support and protect the rights of parents to teach their children at home through legislative initiatives and contact with representatives in the Virginia General Assembly and United States Congress;
Educate the general public, educators, and elected officials through personal contacts, the media, lectures, seminars, workshops, conventions, and newsletters concerning the benefits of home education and the Constitutional right of parents to educate their own children;
Provide information to home-educating parents, the general public, the media, and elected officials regarding the Virginia Code, pending legislation, and court cases as they relate to homeschooling;
Direct interested parents to local homeschool support groups for support and encouragement;
Assist homeschool support groups by providing information, resources, leadership workshops, and training seminars.
We Believe:
- God gives parents the primary responsibility to educate their own children.
- Parents have the right to educate their own children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions.
- Parents have the right to freely choose schools, tutors, co-ops, or other means necessary to educate their own children in keeping with their convictions.
- Parents as home educators can provide a high-quality education through individualized instruction.
- Parental love and understanding, patience to teach until a child learns, and parental awareness of the needs of the whole child are more important than teacher-certification requirements.
- Home education provides the family with excellent opportunities to strengthen spiritual values, grow in personal responsibility, and develop leadership qualities in their children.
In 1983, our “operational headquarters” was a card table set up in the General Assembly building by three homeschooling moms. Virginia homeschoolers responded enthusiastically to the idea of working together to lobby for a homeschool law in Virginia, and thus, HEAV was born.
Over the years, the homeschooling movement has grown, and because of God’s grace and your continued support, generous contributions, and volunteer efforts, HEAV has grown along with it.
A major milestone was reached in March 1996 when HEAV was able—through the generous help of local support groups and donors—to move our “operations” into a real office. Previously, our “office” was located in living rooms, dens, and basements of dedicated home-educating parents. Today, we have paid and volunteer staff who orchestrate the day-to-day administrative details and answer the many thousands of phone calls, mail, and e-mails we receive each year.
Another milestone was reached in 1999 when we hired—again, through the incredibly generous support of homeschooling families and support groups—a full-time executive director. Our director oversees the numerous operations and events that are sponsored or conducted by HEAV and has greatly contributed to the growth and development of the organization.
In 2003, after years of cramped quarters and shared desk spaces, we moved into a larger and more convenient facility. In 2013, we moved again to our current location, which includes storage space, meeting rooms, and a bookstore, allowing us to serve you in new and creative ways.
From our humble beginnings on a card table in the General Assembly to our spacious office suite, HEAV has stayed committed to serving Virginia’s homeschooling families by providing timely information, excellent resources, and an unfailing presence in the legislative process. And while we have staff in several key positions, much of the work of HEAV is still done by dedicated and enthusiastic families—like yours—who are willing to volunteer their time, talents, and resources to help other homeschool families succeed. Volunteers are the backbone of HEAV; we couldn’t do what we do without you.
Board of Directors

Anne Miller
Board of Directors

Aisha Acham
Board of Directors

Pat Ryan
Board of Directors

Brad Touchet
Board of Directors
Vice President

Yvonne Bunn
Board of Directors

Jennifer French
Board of Directors

Craig Konicki
Board of Directors

Chris Davidson
Board of Directors

Gil Lane
Board of Directors
Advisory Board

Marcus Acham
Advisory Board

Don Acker
Advisory Board

Zakkiyya Chase
Advisory Board

Stephanie Konicki
Advisory Board

Tiffani Miller
Board of Directors
Secretary (acting)

Kirk Sosebee
Advisory Board

Sarah Touchet
Advisory Board
Board & Advisory Board
Our executive and advisory boards provide leadership, accountability, and direction for Home Educators Association of Virginia. The board consists of homeschooling parents, grandparents, and other dedicated individuals who volunteer their time, talents, and resources to promote and protect home education in Virginia.
Board of Directors
- Anne Miller | President | Williamsburg
- Brad Touchet | Vice President | Newport News
- Jennifer French | Treasurer | Williamsburg
- Aisha Acham | Richmond
- Yvonne Bunn | Williamsburg
- Chris Davidson | Yorktown
- Craig Konicki | Member | Powhatan
- Gil Lane | | Member | Reva
- Pat Ryan | Member | Purcellville
Advisory Board
- Marcus Acham | Richmond
- Don Acker | Front Royal
- Zakkiyya Chase |
- Stephanie Konicki | Powhatan
- Tiffani Miller | secretary (acting) | Williamsburg
- Kirk Sosebee | Callaway
- Sarah Touchet | Newport News

Anne Miller
Executive Director

Maureen Bittner
Director of
Publications & Marketing

Callie Chaplow
Director of Government Affairs

Ann Hoopsick
Legislative Affairs

Convention Director
Catrina Jackson

Ann Miranda
Office Manager

Melissa St. Mary
Database Manager

Sheri Payne
Director of
Leadership & Military Support
Staff Teams
Ann Miranda
Helen Wright
Sue Dixon
Erin Matthews
Melissa St. Mary
Sarah Touchet
Government Affairs
Callie Chaplow
Patricia Beahr
Caroline Barnes
Ann Hoopsick
Sheri Payne
Jill Shelton
Crickett Brown
Desi Harley
Sheri Payne
Publications & Marketing
Maureen Bittner
Michael Clapp
Ellie Clough
Sharon Croushorn
Kathleen Dillie
Debbie Florentine
Jennifer Jessen
Linda Mesibov
Megan Mora Fuentes
Samantha Parker
Arielle Potter
Laurie Sitterding
Mary Kay Smith
Lori Steadman
Brandi Wade
Laura Wilkerson
Lisa Workman
Catrina Jackson
Rachel & Don Acker
Gail Braxton
Cricket Brown
Sherry Brunner
Ruth Cooper
Jon Covington
Grace Dowdy
Coralie Griffith
Desi Harley
Sharon Heath
Ann & Dave Hoopsick
Konni Jacobs
Jennifer Jessen
Linda King
Julia Krueger
Gil & Lisa Lane
Ann & Sarah Miranda
Sarah Olbris
Phil & Will Rigby
Christie & Richie Underhill
Lobbying & Legislative Activities
HEAV stays current with public policy issues affecting homeschool families, and disseminates information to the homeschool community via e-mail and printed materials.
HEAV sponsors Day at the Capitol each year and was responsible for the Governor’s declaration of the month of February as “Virginia Home Education Month in the Commonwealth.”
With our volunteers and paid lobbying staff, HEAV works with legislators during the year, and has a constant presence at the General Assembly when the legislature is in session.
By means of online monitoring we look for any surprise legislation that may affect our rights to home educate, and we track new bills introduced during the session.
HEAV works closely with the Virginia Department of Education, local school boards, and local school superintendents. We network with numerous state and national homeschool and pro-family organizations throughout the year.
When necessary, HEAV sends out e-mail alerts that provide parents with the information they need to help wisely shape public policy that will affect home-educating families.
- It was because of HEAV that the homeschool law was passed in 1984.
- Because of HEAV, the cut-off score for standardized achievement tests was changed from the 40th to the 23rd percentile so parents could teach children with learning difficulties.
- HEAV successfully opposed mandatory five-year-old kindergarten and protected religious exemption from threats of change.
- HEAV successfully opposed daytime curfews for homeschoolers and mandatory SOL testing, and endorsed a law that required school districts to notify and make available PSAT and AP tests to homeschoolers.
- HEAV also promoted parent-taught, behind-the-wheel driver instruction for homeschoolers.
- Laws favorable to homeschooling in Virginia pass because of HEAV.
Conventions & Events
HEAV sponsors an Annual Virginia Homeschool Convention each June. With outstanding speakers and exhibitors to support, encourage, and equip homeschool parents, this event is planned for the veteran as well as the new home educator. Many say it is the highlight of their home-educating year.
HEAV hosts an innovative LeaderLife leadership conference for support group and co-op leaders–or leaders-to-be.
Day at the Capitol events bring homeschool families to the General Assembly to tour the Supreme Court and Capitol buildings, meet legislators, and learn about hands-on about civic responsibility and participation in the political process.
HEAV is a resource contact for a variety of media. We provide information, articles, spokesmen, and other materials.
We offer a number of informative publications including these:
- The Virginia Home Educator, a FREE annual magazine that offers an in-depth look at such subjects as homeschooling and the military, support for home-educating parents, preparing for college, and extracurricular activities—all with a slant toward Virginia-specific information. To receive your free subscription, sign up now!
- The HEAV Virginia Homeschool Update, a FREE e-mail newsletter that includes the latest news about contests, museum events, special homeschool offers, book fairs, and more. Each week our dedicated team of volunteers brings you helpful information and resources from around the state and across the nation. Sign up today!
- The Legislative Update, a FREE e-mail newsletter that provides timely information on legislative matters during the General Assembly session. Sign up today!
- And, The Virginia Homeschool Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Home Education in Virginia. This manual covers how to begin, how to choose curriculum, different learning styles, socialization, gifted education at home, kindergarten, high school, apprenticeships, college, and more. You’ll also find information and resources on homeschooling special-needs children, along with in-depth sections on “Virginia Law” and “Testing and Evaluations.” Find out more here.
Support Groups
We actively promote regional and local support groups through referrals and our online support-group directory.
We offer regional and local support groups the opportunity to publicize their events and news in the Virginia Home Educator and weekly HEAV Virginia Homeschool Update.
HEAV provides regional and local support groups with training, resources, information, intercommunication, and encouragement.
To help keep regional and support-group leaders informed, we send copies of the Virginia Homeschool Update, the Legislative Update, and theVirginia Home Educator magazine during the year. We also send e-mail alerts whenever necessary, and a periodic HEAV Leaders’ Letter.
HEAV also sponsors leadership training seminars to serve leaders so they can better serve home educators.
HEAV sends representatives who can speak on a wide variety of topics to visit local support groups. (Give us a call if you’d like someone to speak to your group!)
We distribute tens of thousands of pieces of free information to parents around the state every year.
HEAV also continues to research and develop new resources for the equipping of home educators. These resources are available for sale through our office.
We offer an extensive selection of recordings on a wide variety of home-education subjects.
We offer extensive information on our website for parents who are interested in home education or who are just getting started.
We also publish the Virginia Homeschool Manual, which is on the shelves of libraries throughout the state.
HEAV works to educate the general public, the media, pastors, state and private educators, school boards, judges, attorneys, and state legislators about the benefits of home education and the constitutional right to home educate.
We take steps to present home education in the best possible light through personal contacts, media interviews, lectures, seminars, conventions, radio and television interviews, our printed materials, and by sponsoring the annual Day at the Capitol.