Roanoke County
The HEAV legislative team found several items of concern located on the district’s website and notice of intent-related forms including the use of inaccurate terms such as enrollment, application, and approval along with incorrect information relating to NOI option (iii) and the curriculum description and personal data requirements. After over seven weeks and three inquiries, HEAV heard back from the district regarding our concerns.
HEAV was advised by the assistant superintendent the district made “some adjustments accordingly.” HEAV found most of the concerns HEAV presented were, indeed, resolved. However, the birth date and grade level fields were not indicated as optional fields on the district’s NOI form. HEAV is thankful to Roanoke County for the corrections that were made.
What You Should Know:
- The law does not require an enrollment process, application, or approval.
- The law does not require parents to fill out district forms or provide personal data beyond what the statute allows.
- The law requires parents “provide a description of the curriculum, limited to a list of subjects to be studied during the coming year.”
- Parents who notify under option (iii) may provide their child “with a program of study or curriculum, which may be delivered through a correspondence course or distance learning program or in any other manner.”
- HEAV’s NOI form is recommended for parents as it is consistent with the law, VDOE guidance, and case law.
- Reference: HEAV Law Flowchart, HEAV’s Information For School Personnel, HEAV’s 2023 Letter to Superintendents, HEAV’s Notice Of Intent Form, Virginia Supreme Court: Sosebee v. Franklin County School Board, VDOE 2023 Home Instruction Handbook, Compulsory Attendance Law, Home Instruction Law
HEAV is always available should you ever have questions or need assistance. Please contact us anytime at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.
Patricia Beahr
HEAV Assistant Director of Government Affairs
Read more about school district incidents here.