District Watch featured

Mathews County

HEAV has addressed concerns regarding district correspondence that identified a notice of intent as a “request” that must be “approved.” We are pleased to share that our feedback was well received. The district has advised HEAV that Mathews will be reviewing all relevant documents and making adjustments as needed.

What You Should Know:

  • The law does not indicate public school districts have the statutory authority to approve a parent’s decision to enroll in a private school, hire a Virginia-certified tutor, or homeschool. (Reference: §22.1-254(A))
  • Under the homeschool statute, parents are required to notify the superintendent of their intent to homeschool. (Reference: §22.1-254.1(B))
  • The superintendent’s responsibility is to ensure parents have met the requirements of the homeschool law. (Reference: §22.1-254.1)
  • Districts may, but are not required to, send a letter to parents acknowledging receipt of their notice of intent.

We’d love to hear from you! If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

Patricia Beahr
Assistant Director of Government Affairs

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