Why is February Home Education Month?
In 2013, Senate Education Committee Chairman Senator Steve Martin (R-Chesterfield) introduced a joint resolution proclaiming the month of February “Home Education Month in Virginia.”
The joint resolution passed without opposition.
Senate Joint Resolution No. 357
Senate Joint Resolution No. 357 states, “It is resolved by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, that the General Assembly designate February, in 2013 and in each succeeding year, as Home Education Month in Virginia.”
WHEREAS, parents throughout the Commonwealth desire for their children to receive the best education possible; and
WHEREAS, in the early days of the Commonwealth, home education was the main form of education, with many of the nation’s founding fathers receiving the majority of their education at home; and
WHEREAS, today, many parents choose to educate their children at home for a variety of reasons; and
WHEREAS, home education provides parents with the opportunity to instill desired values in their children and develop positive character traits; and
WHEREAS, parents have the final authority and responsibility for the choice of education for their children; and
WHEREAS, designating a month to recognize home education will allow parents, students, and others to learn about this educational option; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly designate February, in 2013 and in each succeeding year, as Home Education Month in Virginia; and, be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a copy of this resolution to Anne Miller, president of the board of directors of the Home Educators Association of Virginia, so that members of the Home Educators Association of Virginia may be apprised of the sense of the General Assembly of Virginia in this matter; and, be it
RESOLVED FINALLY, That the Clerk of the Senate post the designation of this month on the General Assembly’s website.
HEAV’S Thirty Years of Service Recognized
That same day, in a surprise move, Senator Martin’s office not only drafted the resolution for “Home Education Month in Virginia,” but also drafted and introduced a joint resolution recognizing HEAV’s Thirtieth Anniversary!
You may read the entire Senate Joint Resolution No. 365 here.
We are deeply grateful to Senator Martin for his recognition of these major milestones in the history of HEAV.