DIY and tool safety - homeschool living

Homeschool Handi-kids: DIYs & Tool Safety

Homeschooling is about so much more than reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic! Incorporating learning into everyday homeschool living is one of the greatest benefits of teaching and learning at home. One skill that can benefit your students far beyond school is handiness and knowing how to use tools safely. Check out this Homeschool Living for some great ways to share your DIY skills with your kids; utilize home projects to teach teamwork, tool safety, and more; and fun project ideas to try out as a family.

This Mom with a Prep shares ten tool safety tips for kids AND a simple, rustic fall home decor project that gives kids the opportunity to practice measuring, sawing, painting, drilling, nailing, and sanding.

DIY Projects & Tool Safety

Next time you plan a home project like painting the dining room, tiling the shower, building a bookshelf, don’t kick the kids out of the room! Check out these five ways to include kids in DIY projects for tips on how to include kids in the planning process, ways to pique their interest in home projects, and even some ideas for creating a personalized toolkit for a budding DIYer.

Even though involving the kids in home improvement projects is definitely not the most efficient way to get the job done, the benefits of including kids in DIY projects go far beyond the immediate reward of a completed project. You’ll practice mathematics, logic and reading comprehension, plus develop confidence and an ability to learn new skills and instill a sense of responsibility and pride with each new job.

Looking for a new project to practice your handiness skills and implement some of the tips and ideas above? Here are thirteen DIY projects for kids and parents to do together, including building a fairy garden, bookcase, toy chest, Lego® table, cornhole set, and more.

If tools and woodworking aren’t exactly your forte, there are still plenty of DIY skills to teach your kids. Tinkering, painting, and gardening are all DIY skills that will allow you to teach the use of simple tools like drills, paint rollers, shovels, rakes, etc. There is no handiness curriculum you need to follow! Pass along your own skills and interests, and help your kids explore and develop their own. After all, that’s the whole point of homeschooling.

Check out more Homeschool Living blogs here, at HEAV Blogs.

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