Convention Photography Program

Learn and practice photography hands-on!


For Beginner & Advanced Photography

Love photography? This is your opportunity to take your skills to the next level!

As much as we love learning photography online, there’s nothing quite like gaining experience hands-on under the guidance of a professional, experienced photographer. Regardless of your skill level, there’s something for everyone at Convention! Lenspiration will be running a Photography Class and the Convention Photography Team this year. What skill level are you?

About the instructor:
James Staddon is a former homeschool student, now professional photographer and full-time photography educator from West Virginia. With a background in graphic design, his endless preoccupation with photography and love for Christian discipleship eventually led him to start up Lenspiration in 2009 to provide a family-friendly place for young people to learn photography online. He enjoys outdoor recreation, business entrepreneurship, and is usually on the go with his camera somewhere in the US or abroad.


Beginner: Photography Class

The Photography Class is a series of four interactive classroom sessions centered around learning practical photography skills regardless of what camera or skill level you have.

Bring any camera! Let’s go in-depth and more hands-on than a regular convention presentation.

With the theme of “Learning to See Light,” topics include

  • exploring ways to make the most of whatever lighting situation you are in,
  • understanding the three major attributes of light in photography,
  • using light to create an emotional impact in your photos,
  • taking full advantage of whatever time of day you are shooting in, and
  • seeing how professional lighting works in a portable studio.

At the end, we’ll pull up the photos everyone submitted for class assignments and do some live photo coaching and critique. If you love snapping photos, you won’t want to miss these sessions! God has given us a love for art and beautiful things…,let’s hone our photography skills for His glory!

Details for Beginners:
Friday, June 6, and Saturday, June 7.
Ages 11+
$79/student (All four sessions included!)

A camera you’re already familiar with using

Schedule: Photo Class (tentative)

Friday – 10:45-11:30 a.m.
5 Tips For Creating Beautiful Photos with Any Camera

Friday – 1:30-2:15 p.m.
Maximizing Natural Light

Saturday – 10:45-11:30 a.m.
Using Light to Tell a Story in Photography

Saturday – 1:30-2:15 p.m.
Taking Your Photos to the Next Level

Advanced: Photography Team

Stepping outside of the classroom, Photography Team members receive real-time coaching on guided photo shoots as they learn event photography hands-on helping to photograph the Convention!

Orientation and coaching begins on Thursday.

We will focus on gaining practical experience as we photograph the speakers, families, and Convention activities, learning the event photography workflow from beginning to end with your own equipment, laptop, and photo editing software. We will join the Photography Class sessions for artistic inspiration, bigger-picture instruction, and photo coaching and critique. James has been photographing weddings and events for more than 10 years. It’s your chance to get an idea of what event photography is really like!

Through classroom instruction, self-guided assignments and professional photo critique, you will learn how to:

  • effectively capture the moment,
  • create consistently bright and sharp images in difficult lighting situations,
  • and expedite the post-processing workflow to meet time-sensitive deadlines.

It doesn’t get more hands on than this! Hone skills in photography etiquette, learn the balance between boldness and discretion, and develop a biblical perspective on the art of photography.

Thursday, June 5; Friday, June 6; and Saturday, June 7
Ages 15+

Will be joining the Photography Class at times


  • DSLR or mirrorless camera
  • Laptop computer or tablet/iPad for photo editing
  • Pre-installed photo editing software
  • Completion of Lenspiration’s Foundations of Photography Course (access free for two weeks here)

Schedule: Photography Team (tentative)

The photography team schedule is subject to change. A more detailed schedule will be provided at orientation.

  • Thursday — 2:00-5:00 p.m. at Room B-22 (Orientation and 2 classes)
  • Friday — Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Lenspiration Booth
  • Saturday — Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Lenspiration Booth


  • 1:00pm – Orientation
  • 2:00pm – Classroom training
  • 4:30pm – Dinner break
  • 6:00pm – Classroom training
  • 7:00pm – Booth open
  • 8:00pm – End of day


  • 8:00am – Team Meeting
  • 10:00am – Booth open
  • 12:00pm – Lunch break
  • 1:30pm – Classroom training
  • 2:30pm – Booth open
  • 5:30pm – Classroom training
  • 6:30pm – Dinner break
  • 8:30pm – End of day


  • 8:00am – Team Meeting
  • 9:00am – Team Photo
  • 9:30am – Booth Open
  • 10:30am – Conclusion
  • 11:30am – Lunch break
  • 1:00pm – Booth open
  • 6:00pm – End of day

Photography FAQs

FAQs Beginner
FAQs Advanced
  • Do I have to be at a certain photography skill level to attend?
    No. You just need to bring a camera that you know how to use
  • What kind of camera can I bring?
    You may bring a DSLR, mirrorless, “bridge”, point & shoot, or cell phone camera. This class is not intended for GoPro, drone, film cameras, or other mobile device cameras.
  • Can I rent a camera from Lenspiration?
    Lenspiration has equipment available that you can rent for the Photography Class on a first-come, first-served basis. A DSLR camera plus lenses, accessories, and a bag can be rented for $30. Send a request via Lenspiration’s Contact page as soon as possible after you have registered for the event. Payment due on location at first session.
  • Do I need to bring anything more than a camera?
    No. But bringing a pen and notepad for taking notes isn’t a bad idea.
  • Is there anything I should do to prepare?
    The more familiar you are with the camera that you bring, the more you will be able to pick up from this class. Feel free to start learning photography ahead of time at
  • Are meals provided?
  • Can I participate in other activities along with the Photography Class?
    Yes. See the schedule to verify that anything else you want to do at the convention does not interfere with scheduled Photography Class sessions.
  • What if more than one person in my family wants to attend, but we only have one camera?
    It is ok to share cameras.
  • May I keep the pictures I take?
    Yes. As the photographer, you retain the copyright to all photos you take during the Photography Class. However, you may only use photos taken in the same way you would use photos taken at the Convention if you were not in the Photography Class.

More questions? Feel free to contact James directly on the Lenspiration Contact page.

  • Do I have to be at a certain photography skill level to attend?
    No. However, you must bring a DSLR or mirrorless camera, a laptop or tablet/iPad with your preferred pre-installed photo editing software, and you must have completed Lenspiration’s online Foundations of Photography Course. With these prerequisites in place, most attendees, including beginners, will be considered at a beyond beginner level and thus ready for the Photography Team.
  • How do I know if I have a DSLR or mirrorless camera?
    The best way to know if you have a DSLR or mirrorless camera is if the lens is interchangeable: the lens can be taken on and off. While many mobile devices provide excellent image quality, they do not fit into the category of photojournalism-specific equipment needed for a Photography Team.
  • What if I don’t have the required camera?
    Lenspiration has equipment available that you can rent for the entire Photography Team on a first come, first served basis. A DSLR camera plus lenses, accessories and a bag can be rented for $30. Send a request via Lenspiration’s Contact page as soon as possible after you have registered for the event. Payment due at Orientation.
  • Do I need to bring anything more than a camera?
    Yes. You must bring a laptop (or a tablet/iPad) with your preferred photo editing software pre-installed.
  • What should I wear?
    Business-casual is expected for the role of event photographer. Modest dress is required—no tight clothing, midriff tops, mini-skirts, plunging necklines, or bare shoulders. Casual business attire is always appropriate. Knee-length or longer hemlines are recommended for ladies. Wear comfortable shoes, as photographers will be walking a lot.
  • What photo editing software should I use?
    The Photography Team isn’t designed to help you figure out what software to use. It is designed to help you use the software you already have to be more organized and edit your photos more efficiently. Therefore, bring the software that you are most comfortable using. If you currently do not use photo editing software, it would be a good idea to complete Lenspiration’s online Foundations of Photography Course before signing up for the Photography Team. Training will be presented from the platform of Adobe Lightroom.
  • Is there anything else I should do to prepare?
    After registering for the Photography Team through the convention, you should receive a password to Lenspiration’s Photography Team Preparation page. It will provide specific things that you can start doing to prepare. From a broader perspective, do everything you can to become familiar with basic photography stuff through your own personal, self-motivated study, research and practice. We suggest finding a photographer whose work you want to emulate and follow them virtually on their blog or through courses they offer or recommend.
  • When does the Photography Team meet?
    In general, the Photography Team meets when the Exhibit Hall opens each day (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). See Schedule for more details.
  • Where does the Photography Team meet?
    Register for the Convention first. Orientation will be held at 2pm Thursday afternoon in B22. For the remainder of the week, the Photography Team will meet at the Lenspiration booth. However, at times, Photography Team members may be at the location where the Photography Class is meeting.
  • Are meals provided?
  • Can I participate in other activities along with the Photography Team?
    It may be difficult to do that. See the schedule to verify that anything else you want to do at the convention does not interfere with scheduled Photography Team activities.
  • What if more than one person in my family wants to attend, but we only have one camera?
    Each photographer must have their own camera. Feel free to rent one from Lenspiration here.
  • If multiple family members are attending, can they both use the same computer or tablet/iPad?
    Yes, photographers can share the laptop or device used to edit their photos. However, it is better if each student is able to bring a way to edit photos on their own without sharing.
  • How will the pictures be used?
    Yes. As the photographer, you retain the copyright to all photos you take during the Photography Team, but like everyone else, you are under obligation to abide by commercial use publishing laws. To be safe, you will want to get written permission from all recognizable individuals and owners of recognizable property in a photo to use that photo beyond personal or artistic use.
  • May I keep the pictures I take?
    Yes. As the photographer, you retain the copyright to all photos you take during the Photography Team, but like everyone else, you are under obligation to abide by commercial use publishing laws. To be safe, you will want to get written permission from all recognizable individuals and owners of recognizable property in a photo to use that photo beyond personal or artistic use.

More questions? Feel free to contact James directly on the Lenspiration Contact page.

How to Add Events

Add your choice of events when you register for the convention.

Already registered for the convention?  

 Request to add an event to your registration here.

Questions? Call the HEAV office, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 804-278-9200.

Beginners FAQs

No. You just need to bring a camera that you know how to use.

You may bring a DSLR, mirrorless, “bridge”, point & shoot, or cell phone camera. This class is not intended for GoPro, drone, film cameras, or other mobile device cameras.

Lenspiration has equipment available that you can rent for the Photography Class on a first-come, first-served basis. A DSLR camera plus lenses, accessories, and a bag can be rented for $30. Send a request via Lenspiration’s Contact page as soon as possible after you have registered for the event. Payment due on location at first session.

No. But bringing a pen and notepad for taking notes isn’t a bad idea.

The more familiar you are with the camera that you bring, the more you will be able to pick up from this class.

Yes. See the schedule to verify that anything else you want to do at the convention does not interfere with scheduled Photography Class sessions.

Yes. As the photographer, you retain the copyright to all photos you take during the Photography Class. However, you may only use photos taken in the same way you would use photos taken at the Convention if you were not in the Photography Class.

Advanced FAQs

No. However, you must bring a DSLR or mirrorless camera, a laptop or tablet/iPad with your preferred pre-installed photo editing software, and you must have completed Lenspiration’s online Foundations of Photography Course. With these prerequisites in place, most attendees, including beginners, will be considered at a beyond beginner level and thus ready for the Photography Team.

The best way to know if you have a DSLR or mirrorless camera is if the lens is interchangeable: the lens can be taken on and off. While many mobile devices provide excellent image quality, they do not fit into the category of photojournalism-specific equipment needed for a Photography Team.

Lenspiration has equipment available that you can rent for the entire Photography Team on a first come, first served basis. A DSLR camera plus lenses, accessories and a bag can be rented for $30. Send a request via Lenspiration’s Contact page as soon as possible after you have registered for the event. Payment due at Orientation.

Yes. You must bring a laptop (or a tablet/iPad) with your preferred photo editing software pre-installed.

Business-casual is expected for the role of event photographer. Modest dress is required—no tight clothing, midriff tops, mini-skirts, plunging necklines, or bare shoulders. Casual business attire is always appropriate. Knee-length or longer hemlines are recommended for ladies. Wear comfortable shoes, as photographers will be walking a lot.

The Photography Team isn’t designed to help you figure out what software to use. It is designed to help you use the software you already have to be more organized and edit your photos more efficiently. Therefore, bring the software that you are most comfortable using. If you currently do not use photo editing software, it would be a good idea to complete Lenspiration’s online Foundations of Photography Course before signing up for the Photography Team. Training will be presented from the platform of Adobe Lightroom.

After registering for the Photography Team through the convention, you should receive a password to Lenspiration’s Photography Team Preparation page. It will provide specific things that you can start doing to prepare. From a broader perspective, do everything you can to become familiar with basic photography stuff through your own personal, self-motivated study, research and practice. We suggest finding a photographer whose work you want to emulate and follow them virtually on their blog or through courses they offer or recommend.

In general, the Photography Team meets when the Exhibit Hall opens each day (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). See Schedule for more details.

Register for the Convention first. Orientation will be held at 2pm Thursday afternoon in B22. For the remainder of the week, the Photography Team will meet at the Lenspiration booth. However, at times, Photography Team members may be at the location where the Photography Class is meeting.

It may be difficult to do that. See the schedule to verify that anything else you want to do at the convention does not interfere with scheduled Photography Team activities.

Each photographer must have their own camera. Feel free to rent one from Lenspiration here.

Yes, photographers can share the laptop or device used to edit their photos. However, it is better if each student is able to bring a way to edit photos on their own without sharing.

By registering for the Photography Team, you grant Lenspiration and the convention the perpetual right to use, print, and publish for any purpose all images you submit on the Photography Team.

Yes. As the photographer, you retain the copyright to all photos you take during the Photography Team, but like everyone else, you are under obligation to abide by commercial use publishing laws. To be safe, you will want to get written permission from all recognizable individuals and owners of recognizable property in a photo to use that photo beyond personal or artistic use.

Convention Sponsors

Many, many thanks to our convention sponsors!

They have invested heavily in homeschool families—in YOU—to help keep our convention prices as low as possible and support homeschooling in Virginia. Please join us in thanking them for their generosity!