Speaker Application Process
Thank you for your interest in speaking at the annual Virginia Homeschool Convention!
Applications are no longer being accepted for 2025. Applications submitted during the summer of 2025 will be considered for the 2026 convention.
How to Apply
Each year a great number of applicants express interest in speaking at our convention. In order to consider your application for the 2026 convention, we must have all of the following by August 1, 2025:
- Your contact information, including e-mail address, phone number, mailing address, company name, and website
- A list of all proposed workshop titles and descriptions (50-75 words each)
- Your biography (50-150 words)
- A high-resolution (300 dpi) digital photo (for publicity purposes)
- Your requirements to attend
- References
- Current (less-than-one-year-old), hour-long audio recordings of at least two workshops
Please attach the first six items to one e-mail addressed to speakers@heav.org.
Please do not send PDF files.
The last item—your current, hour-long audio recordings—can be e-mailed as electronic files. Please be sure your name, the title of the workshop, and the recording date are included. By sending your audio recordings, you are consenting to allow HEAV to upload them to a secure site for the speaker committee to access during the review process. Please note: No items will be returned.
E-mail electronic files to speakers@heav.org.
When Are Selections Made?
The 2026 convention will be held in June 2026
Speaker selections are typically made in the fall; if we are able to include your workshops in the upcoming convention, we will contact you with contract details. Our speaker committee will consider all applications received by August 1, 2025, for the 2026 convention. Incomplete requests will not be considered, so please be certain all of the above items are submitted by the deadline.
Thank you again for your desire to serve the homeschool families of Virginia! Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any specific questions you may have about your application.
May God bless your labors,
HEAV Speaker Coordinator