
Legislative Summary


Parent-Taught Behind-the-Wheel Driver Education

HB 2404 Patroned by Delegate Glenn Oder, this bill will alleviate a difficult situation for homeschoolers: Public schools are not required to offer classes to nonpublic-school students. Often when home-educated students request to take a driver’s education course at a public high school, either they are told “no,” or they are put on a waiting list. If they cannot take the classroom and behind-the-wheel portions at a local high school, they must attend one of Virginia’s commercial driving schools, or find a private school that offers driver’s training. This bill will authorize the commissioner of the DMV to approve parents to teach behind-the-wheel to their home-educated students. Parent-taught, behind-the-wheel instruction would then be part of an approved course. PASSED (Update Feb. 20, 2003)

Dual Enrollment

HB 2348 Delegate Richard Black worked on a bill that would have given home-educated students equal opportunity when dual enrolled at state colleges (both community and four-year colleges). Unfortunately, the bill ran into some tough questioning for which there were no clear answers. The patron decided it would be best to strike or withdraw the bill this year to give him—and the home-education community—more time to research the issue. FAILED (Update Jan. 21, 2003)

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