Geology of Minecraft
One of the world’s most popular games is Minecraft™, and now you can study the REAL rocks and minerals of those precious blocks and ores—with creation paleontologist Dr. Marcus Ross!
In the Geology of Minecraft™, Dr. Ross will guide you through a hands-on investigation into the world of rocks and minerals—the best of Minecraft–and introduces you to the real geology behind it all. In five, 45-minute classes, you’ll learn about all kinds of topics in geology and investigate numerous specimens in each class, guided by an expert in the field. From identifying rocks and their components to learning the source of precious gems to the importance of mining in everyday life, you’ll be amazed by what you discover in the rocks around us. There will be time for Q&A, too!
During this hands-on virtual class students will learn all about geology as Dr. Ross helps them explore twenty (20) different samples from MyCraft, Cornerstone’s fabulous Minecraft-inspired rock and mineral kit.
Dr. Marcus Ross serves as director of the Center for Creation Studies and Professor of Geology at Liberty University. He has loved paleontology (especially dinosaurs) since he was a kid growing up in Rhode Island.
He has studied geology and paleontology at the Pennsylvania State University, the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, and the University of Rhode Island. Committed to a biblical understanding of Earth’s history, Dr. Ross regularly contributes to creationist research and education in both technical and popular literature. In 2015, he and his wife, Corinna, launched Cornerstone Educational Supply to provide outstanding science materials that affirm biblical creation.
Five Classes
Every day 10 a.m.
Monday, October 7 to Friday, October 11, 2024
HOW TO SIGN UP through two options.
1. This $69 class is FREE for HEAV Members!
Just go to your member benefits page to get your coupon code.
IMPORTANT : Be sure to log in to snag your coupon code from your member benefits page and register FREE
2. Register and pay for the $69 class here.
Not an HEAV member yet? Join TODAY for $45. Enjoy this class for FREE and take advantage of HEAV member benefits all year long. (Plus, you’ll support a worthy cause.)
The class is appropriate for students ages 8 and up.
If you choose to order the the “My Craft” Minecraft kit below, please allow time for delivery prior to the first class.
Class size for this event is limited.
To participate in the class, you’ll need to have the access to the following materials. Some are commonplace things you’ll have around the house, plus a number of rocks and minerals. These can be obtained online, at hobby shops, or at local stores (You may even have most of them in your collection!)
Testing materials:
Dropper bottle
Geology hand lens or magnifier
White & black mineral streak plates
Glass tile
Rocks & Minerals:
Sandstone (gray)
Sandstone (red)
Rocks & Minerals continued:
Snowflake obsidian
Indigo gabbro
Milky quartz
Anthracite coal
Lapis lazuli
Gold foil flakes
Banded iron formation
Emerald ore
No worries. You can, if you wish, purchase “My Craft: A Minecraft™-inspired Rock & Mineral Kit” ($35), which includes all twenty specimens corresponding to some of the most important resources in Minecraft™.
Did we mention that you’ll get GOLD, DIAMOND, and EMERALD? (Yes, they’re in there, and they’re the real thing!)
To learn more and order, click here.
P.S. If you wish, you can make the most of your kit by adding the Geology Testing Kit. MyCraft and Geology Testing Kit are available as a bundled set from Cornerstone Educational Supply. Be sure to add the geology test kit from the first drop-down box.
The Geology of Minecraft™
with Dr. Marcus Ross
Course Outline
Day 1—Geology Basics and the Biblical Framework
- What is geology?
- The rock cycle and how rocks form
- Who studies geology?
- What does the Bible tell us about geology?
Day 2—When They Rise Up:
- Igneous Rocks
- Granite
- Diorite
- Andesite
- Obsidian
- “Glowing” (snowflake) obsidian
- “Netherrack” (gabbro)
- “Prismarine” (basalt)
Day 3—Breaking Down
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Sandstone (gray)
- Sandstone (red)
- “End Stone” (conglomerate)
- “Redstone” (banded iron formation)
Day 4—Metamorphic Rocks and Minecraft Minerals and Ores
- Coal (anthracite)
- Lapis lazuli
- Emerald ore (schist)
- Nether Quartz” (gneiss)
- 11—Quartz
- Iron (hematite)
- Gold
- Diamond
- Emerald
Day 5—The Real Craft of Mining: Your Rock and Mineral Use
- Granite, diorite, andesite, gabbro, basalt (crushed rock)
- Red sandstone (building material)
- Obsidian (tools and weapons)
- Coal (energy)
- Hematite, banded iron formation, gold (metals and ores)
- Labradorite, quartz, lapis, emerald diamond (jewelry)